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245 2702

(9/1) Happy Birthday Fuyumi Yanagi, Kaede Kayano, Yuu Otosaka & Yoshie Hanabatake!😍🥰😊😎💯🎉🎊🎊🎊🎉

1 5

"in anabaseios, i am the true divine" //

2064 7399

After the festival ❤️

To be honest, I should post this after Tanabata pic but I suddenly lost my motivation and I’ve just finish it today (;´v`)

297 2238


I had intended to upload this on Tanabata, but I couldn't make it in time, so it's only now....


64 154

⭐ -May your wishes come true.-🎋

249 839

I finished my Cloti Tanabata drawing 😊🌌🎋

82 278

アカデミーへようこそ 77 

At the Sendai Tanabata fes I dropped my wallet, people walking behind me immediately picked it up. I still appreciate it!

34 311

Tanabata Matsuri

207 942

I was bored so I decided to take part of this little Nichijou event, I didn't feel like using all 3 themes (even though it's Tanabata day today) sooooooo here's Sakamoto-san, Crow, and the iconic Nichijou bird!

10 27

Happy Tanabata 2023! Here we have some wishes from the Kawaii Fans! Time to celebrate and wish for more fun times together!

Credits and high res image on the replies

38 135

Tanabata 🎋 Takina's Wish


35 129


"I'll make your Tanabata wish come true in secret..."

36 402


"It's so cute of Hikoboshi to want to spend Tanabata with you~"

46 652