Using intraoperative microelectrode recordings of basal ganglia neurons during a supine stepping task, Gulberti et al. investigate the contribution of subthalamic and nigral neurons to freezing of gait in Parkinson’s disease.

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In our new study, we observed structural damage of the and ganglia in patients with syndrome and

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Orbitozygomatic craniotomy. Work in progress for the latest Seven Cavernomas article on basal ganglia cavernous malformations

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inspired by the official box art
(Ford Anglia mod by StepOst)

43 357

Coming up next for queer fest is the art exhibition. 13 artists from East Anglia, it’s going to be fabulous!

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The human amygdala, basal ganglia and insula.


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This cartoon is part of a project with the University of East Anglia about humanitarian journalism. We need to increase funding for humanitarian journalism. Today's cartoon by Darko Drljevic. More cartoons from the project:

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Reposted from

Artist: wanglianwanxinma19368

10 57

The human amygdala, basal ganglia and insula.


73 299

Hereward the Wake (1035-1072), an Anglian nobleman-turned-outlaw who led an ill-fated rebellion against the Norman hegemony.

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After a 3 years, Deckchair Productions are once again inviting acts from East Anglia to compete for a chance to receive a cheque for £100 and play a spot at the Pavilion Theatre on Cromer Pier as part of the 2023 ‘Folk on the Pier’ festival.

15th Oct - 19.00pm. Tickets: £5.

5 11

There are many modes of transportation in the The Weasleys' flying Ford Anglia reminds us of overcoming conflicts and moving forward in a positive direction.

2 23

a doodle a day...

"Main" oc just means someone I don't shut up about lol. His name is Huanglian, an Oath of Vengeance paladin. I'm gonna stop there or I'll run out of space.

3 6

Day 2: "Monstrous" - Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae)

It is quite possible that the sea serpents reported by sailors of antiquity were in fact sightings of pods of whales, and I've done my best to represent that here.

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The 'sit-up-and-beg' Anglia was replaced in 1953 by the far more modern Anglia 100E, but Ford took the opportunity to create the new Popular model. This used the old body and was billed as 'the lowest-priced car in the world'. It had an 1172cc version of the side-valve engine.

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Bughead is a Ganglian from the planet Ganglia. She is very intelligent and able to dig and fly. She is also very good at inventions and building massive constructs.

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Fauna and Flora - our Summer Exhibition on now. Featuring 100 artists from across East Anglia. Free entry & parking. Open Tues to Sat 11-4 (last entry 3.30). Head over to Great Yarmouth & explore this lovely 17C merchants house

Please share

We look forward to seeing you

3 7

☕️ for
shi wudu and d&d oc's huanglian and mianmian!

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