Three children, with their little dog, too. By Sofonisba Anguissola, who died (alas!) on this day in 1625.

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Wonderful tribute to a teacher: young Sofonisba Anguissola paints herself being created by Bernardino Campi -- yet at same time, she is of course creating him! Today is her day.

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Died in 1625: Italian painter (ca. 1532-1625)

Self-portrait, 1550s

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Catalina Micaela de Austria, Duchess of Savoy, 10 Oct 1567 – 6 Nov 1597
By Sofonisba Anguissola (Pollok House, Glasgow)

Daughter of Philip II of Spain [d. 13 Sept 1598] & his third wife, Elisabeth of Valois.

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Women artist self portraits... Sofonisba Anguissola; Artemisia Gentileschi; Elisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun; Marie-Gabrielle Capet

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Very exciting news: in collaboration w/#Nivaagaard plans a 2023 solo exhibition! See (English)

or (Nederlands)

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Victorine Meurent, Ellen Day Hale, Sofonisba Anguissola, Maria Schalcken.

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Una dama del Renacimiento🎨
Muchas de sus obras se atribuyeron a otros; en el caso de «La dama de armiño» (Izq.) su autoría aún se discute...
Hablamos de Sofonisba Anguissola, italiana y gran artista del Renacimiento
Dejó muchos autorretratos, y hoy nos muestran su rostro🔁

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Three children, with their little dog, too. By Sofonisba Anguissola, who died (alas!) on this day in 1625.

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Wonderful tribute to a teacher: young Sofonisba Anguissola paints herself being created by Bernardino Campi -- yet at same time, she is of course creating him! Today is her day.

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Here are some works by Italian Renaissance painter Sofonisba Anguissola (c. 1532 – 16 November 1625).  She studied with Michelangelo Buonarroti, and painted for many royal figures.  Her success paved the way for larger numbers of women to pursue serious careers as artists.

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Painting at Bedtime.
Three Children with a Dog.
Sofonisba Anguissola.

Anguissola was a late Renaissance portrait painter, one of only a small number of women artists during that era, receiving training from a family friend, becoming a court painter in Spain and living to 93.

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What a little beauty!
Portrait of a young girl, c. 1560, attributed to Sofonisba Anguissola. The painting measures only 15 x 12.8 cm. The carved and gilded frame dates from the seventeenth century.
(Private collection)

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Tres niños con perro.
Sofonisba Anguissola, 1590.

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Buen martes mis friends.

Family Portrait

🎨 Sofonisba Anguissola

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Retrato de la familia de la artista: Minerva (hermana) Amilcare (padre) y Asdrubale (hermano), 1559

Sofonisba Anguissola -
- -

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Artemisia Gentileschi, Sofonisba Anguissola, Lavinia Fontana, Elisabetta Sirani e Giovanna Garzoni sono alcune delle 34 artiste protagoniste della grande mostra "Le Signore dell’Arte". Dal 5 febbraio a Milano

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