Animal Artober Day 7: Toxic

Beaked Sea Snakes are a highly venomous species of sea snake common throughout the tropical Indo-Pacific. The venom of these snakes is 4-8x more toxic than the venom of a cobra!

Prompts from

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Here's Animal Artober! Day 6: Mimic

Like other cephalopods, Mimic Octopuses can change the color & texture of their skin. But these talented creatures can contort their bodies to mimic other sea creatures!

Prompts from

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Catchup post!
Here's Animal Artober Day 5: Claws

Vampire Crabs are small, very vibrantly colored, semi-terrestrial crabs that are natively found on Java in Indonesia.

Prompts from

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Late post, but here's Animal Artober Day 4: Amphibian

The Chinese Giant Salamander is one of the largest amphibians in the world! They average 4ft and 60lbs - but they can reach 6ft and 110lbs!! 😱

Prompts from

12 48

Animal Artober day five!

Oct 5th - Claws
I really enjoyed making this one, and I even streamed it on Twitch!
Still using my fursona and ' prompts.
(Big Thanks to the ones who joined 🤍)

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Animal Artober
Day 2: Burrow

Garden eels are a family of eels that live in burrows on the sea floor. They're often seen poking their heads out, while most of their bodies remain hidden.

Prompts from

35 147

empezando el de que decidí hacer. y no alcancé a terminar kadgkashkasvsjb. pero igual les dejo el WIP. mañana lo termino me dio sueño
Día 1: camuflaje.
dibujé una mariposa de hoja seca. sus alas por dentro se asemejan a una hoja seca. 🙃

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