After being brought to Alola, Serpenshade's diet changed, leaving them to bloom hemlock on their necks as a defense instead of atropa belladonna

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Ferrichu was created from a scientist combining a bunch of cute animals together. Now they run rampant and serve more as pests than marketable companions.

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Feldam are powerful creatures who should not be kept as pets. They look like housecats but love cursing and hexing people.

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Be careful your children don't confuse Snowburr for a snowball while they play outside. These cute puffballs are very friendly and sociable.

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Suricastone are very cautious creatures who live in groups. With how deep they dig, it's common for their front paws to be encased in diamonds.

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Arachtree are big, friendly creatures. They prefer hanging around in trees to walking on the ground.

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