ANIMA MUNDI from the "Anima Mundi" Collection has been remastered. 1/1 edition available on

Music by 🙌

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You are welcome to, I'll check em out.

Honorable mentions to Naruse Hirofumi and Unti Animamundi

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Было настроение и редравнула арт из Анимамунди

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Да, кажется, я решила пройтись по всем фандомам, на которых у меня уже не один год гиперфиксация какая-то лютая
Не могу, как люблю Георика

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Протестировала новые кисти. Не очень понравились, но решила доделать.

Мой взгляд на Мефистофеля в Принцессе Кошмаров.

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(sketch of that scene in VN in the carriage)

Georik: So you think you might be able to help me today by using your body to cut a deal with Bruno, eh? (i.e. dissect him)

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Obscure game highlight: Animamundi -Dark Alchemist- by Karin

A dark and gory tale in which former royal physician Georik tries to find a way to make his sister Lilith, whose head is somehow still alive after being chopped off her body, whole again by using alchemy.

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Does anyone remember "Animamundi: Dark Alchemist"?

I've been thinking a lot about VNs that were a strong formative influence on me for inspiration/note-taking purposes.

Recommendations with similar themes/art style very much welcome! (especially indie projects <3)

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Commission for , St Germant from the Gothic BL VN “Animamundi: Dark Alchemist”!

He is a soft! And the game has bishies with flowy-er hair than me!
The opening (and bad endings) haunt me tho in my research...

Thanks for your support! OwO7

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I got a question about What Animamundi Is so it's time for the annual Animamundi explainer thread. ANIMAMUNDI: WHY YOU SHOULD AND SHOULDN'T PLAY IT

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Мефистофель и Георик Забериск из новеллы «Animamundi: Dark Alchemist» :3
(художник: Kangae Kiotsu)

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How have I not seen these images before, too perfect ;;; (Yes, I'm just here crying about my love for Animamundi again, as usual)

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Мефистофель и Сильвия из новеллы «Animamundi: Dark Alchemist».
(эскиз: Aslgit, лайн и покраска: Оками Киба)

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Falta exatamente UM MÊS para o no Rio de Janeiro! Quem vem curtir com a gente? \o/

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