took a little longer on these but hey! worth it~ my lovely streamer friend (Vadiam) the duck lover lol, cant wait to draw more ducks! Qwack Qwack!

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Smol gift for @/scared_spiderr (who is also an amazing artist 😳😌👏)

Thank you for trusting me with your OC !

RTs are very much appreciated ♡( ु•⌄• )

4 20

Another stream alert I made for myself
( ´w` )*✲゚*

Thank you for all the support on my streams lately !

RTs are very much appreciated ♡( ु•⌄• )

6 19

First personal art of the year (੭ˊ꒳ˋ)੭✧

Made an animated stream alert for myself

RTs are very much appreciated ♡( ु•⌄• )

10 20

New Animated alerts for ✨ I hope you and your community enjoy them! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

If you want custom animated alerts or custom animations you can fill the form on my website 💖

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