Pequeño avance. Dejo por aquí el proceso de creación de un plano de 1 segundo, para que veáis el rato que te tiras para un momento. ¿Qué os parece?

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ya casi termino con esta animación de 120 frames, aun me quedan por terminar unos 50 frames

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Our feature tutorial/artist for today is this page on LIGHTING YOUR CHARACTER and PAINTING SHADOWS by the talented ! Great refs for ideas on how the hair and features cast shadows!

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This weekend in quickies - I work on a quick concept I’m calling “Cookiedile”. Here’s the wee guy thus far.

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Our feature artist/reference today is this simply brilliant HIP JOINT animation by the talented ! understanding how the skeleton moves, and the effect on the surrounding masses is so helpful for your character poses!

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concept art for animation backdrop. this is a personal project where I create all the steps of creating a 2D animation.
[PT] Concept art para cenário de animação.

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Hi! I'm Alicia and I'm looking for job as a concept artist and illustrator for videogames or animation

I have experience in a internship and collaboration in a game, but I would like to have my first paid job 😊✨

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Our feature tutorial/artist today is this BEAUTIFUL set of notes on drawing ELBOWS, by the talented ! Love those 3-colour breakdowns illustrating which BONES show WHERE!

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Our feature tutorial/artist for today is this fantastically detailed series of thoughts on drawing TREES by the brilliant ! TONS of amazing ideas around PLANNING FORM and LAYING TEXTURE here!

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Sneak peek in to a TV series I helped developed earlier this year with an amazing team at . Looking forward to showing more of the main and incidental characters soon!

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Our feature artist/reference for today is another brilliant reference set of FEET by the excellent
! Such a huge range of ANGLES here, these are SO USEFUL!!

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