Support a Great Cause and Raise Donations for Aussie Wildlife! The Community Must Come Together!

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We’ve hit $25,000! Thank you to everybody who has donated so far – you are truly Heroes for Aussie Wildlife. If you love as much as we do, retweet, and let’s raise as much as we can for bushfire-affected wildlife:

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Join the global anime community and donate now to animals affected by the devastating Australian bushfires. All proceeds will go to Wildlife Victoria.
💚Donate now: 💛

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🐨🦘 Die australische Tierwelt braucht einen Helden. Trete der Anime-Community bei und spende um Tieren, die von den australischen Buschbränden betroffen sind, eine helfende Pfote zu leihen. Alle Erlöse gehen an Wildlife Victoria.

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Calling all wildlife heroes! 🐾 Donate, retweet, and lend a helping paw to animals affected by the catastrophic Australian bushfires, with all proceeds going to 🐨

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🐨🦘 Aussie wildlife needs a hero. Join the global anime community and donate now to lend a helping paw to animals affected by the catastrophic Australian bushfires.
All proceeds will go to Wildlife Victoria.
💚 Donate now: 💛

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