Sony Music cerca nuovi cantanti per un progetto anime non ancora svelato
Sony Music Labels ha all'attivo diversi artisti famosi come LiSA, Yonezu Genshi e Nogizaka46.

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It's a new week! Good luck everyone! Wishing you all the best 😊

Today's anime theme is

"Sakura Nagashi" - by Utada Hikaru (from the movie Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo)

I love a lot of Utada Hikaru songs ♥️

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More drawing tonight! Before I go back to the ol' grind tomorrow 😥

And today's anime theme:

"Come" - Namie Amuro (InuYasha 7th Ending Theme)

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This is much similar to what Doflamingo said in Dressrosa 🌼
What anime you watching in this time of Quarantine? 👀

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Being inspired by others is great,but at some point,you have to do something with that inspiration,or else the things you want will be ignored and therefore you'll make no progress.🌼

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It's never over until you decide it is.Once you give up on yourself,only then will you truly feel pathetic.🌼

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