[IYR/RTG] ngl im too sick to redraw annharu laying on diamonds so have tiny winter girlies instead

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Just two girlies chatting and catching feelings 💖💛
Some matching icons I created for the ! It’s free so go have a look if you love Persona ladies in love ✨

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sketchy annharu redraw 💕

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[ MAR. 01, 2021 ] 🍨🍓❤️🍒
An old piece for an AnnHaru zine that was canceled.

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A sweet moonlight feeling 💕

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I drew this for an AnnHaru Zine that unfortunately fell through, it was still fun working with everyone and being part of the experience especially since this is one of my favorite pieces I've drawn to date!!

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I'm so excited to share my work for the !! I got to draw one my favorite ships in ShuKita for the main zine, Anntaba for the digital bonus, & AnnHaru for Merch! It was an honor to be apart of this with everyone!!
Copies are still available at https://t.co/RKV2koPj2v

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We got the green on showing our pieces YAAAS😁✨
Heres my main AnnHaru piece and some small side extras!! Theres still a bit of time so be sure to check it out at https://t.co/2AtnkRfPgD if youre interested☺🌸

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Aside from my main AnnHaru piece I and some peeps also did some digi extras for the💍 💍for all yall to enjoy✨ Here are the sneak peeks for mine☺️🌸

Theres still time to preorder at https://t.co/4tomhhNhiL if youre intereste ✌️😘

Thanks for the support💗

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