African Elephant Sketch
Pencil & Chalk on Toned Tan Paper

Fact: African elephants are highly intelligent. They have a very large and highly convoluted neocortex, a trait they share with humans, apes and some dolphin species.

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What do you love about elephants? With your love of elephants, draw elephants, and to start a conversation with your friends! 🐘

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I’ve been on a plant 🌱 drawing kick for a while, I hope you enjoy.

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Kalian mau karya kalian dibukukan? Dicetak di dalam komik Radiant dan dilihat banyak orang? Ditambah dapat paket komik menarik, lho. Yuk simak di bawah ini dan kasih tahu semua temen kalian yg suka gambar. Bikin segokil mungkin ya.

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