Anthesis by r_chitose via /r/ImaginaryLandscapes

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Then, of course, Gwenhwyfar.

And yes, she’s my version of Gwenhwyfar/Guinevere but with a twist. The anthesis of the traditional Queen Guinevere.

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asked me friend to caption this; he said:

mm mh hm uh *whistle noise*
me after a semi-successsful tesco run paranthesis i cant do it on the spot leave me alone

Aggie + Krita Doodles

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Arias's work is incredible, i've been a fan since i saw 'Anthesis in adversity' drop on Rarible back in 2020

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to think that ANTHESIS album was released a year ago (yesterday, 4/14)...

still remember the chills I got after hearing every song in the album for the first time...❤🌸

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Doing a hiatus from leftovers this year so I can work on the story and it's got me thinking about how imma use the same techiniques to plan Anthesis at some point...

also happy 2022! 🌟Stay toasty~🌟

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Sorry, I can't sing, so I couldn't send a video. But I send to you my heart, my soul, and all my love. I hope this day will be much more wonderful for you, as you hope. 💖💐🤗 I love you so much!

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ナノさん( )の『LINE OF FIRE』のMVを観てイラスト描き描き🥰今までと違う世界観でとにかくカッコイイ✨14日発売のアルバムめちゃ楽しみ~(*´꒳`*)♡

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ナノさん( )
AII I NeedのShort Music Video見てたら描きたくなったので💐心にじわりと響く歌詞に聴き入り、花が舞い散る映像に目を奪われ、今までのナノさんの楽曲と違う新鮮さがあってとても好き💐

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AUTOBIOGRAPHYのShort. Music Video何回も観てます♪晴天の屋上で軽やかに楽しそうにクルクル動いてるナノさんがとても解放的で、観るたびに笑顔がこぼれます😊CROSS MY HEART ”で腕をクロスする動き、ライブで一緒にやりたいな♪

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Yo! Been considering restarting Anthesis. Not much would change about characters and such from what I have now. But I wanna reformat so that every arc/stage of Rose's life gets planned together in its own novel. 🤔

This is a fun concept piece I did of Rose from each arc:

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Happy Anniversary

looking forward to new NANO ERA with the upcoming mini album "ANTHESIS" 🌷

Rock on.

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