Tomorrow i battle on the tabletop! 2000pts of Har Kuron vs. Anvilgard using the battleplan from Broken Realms: Morathi!

Our battle shall be legendary!

0 26

There is great art in Blood Tide. & the illustration team Jared Blando, Runesael Flynn, Eve Koutsoukou, Dániel Kovács, JG O’Donohue, Rafael Teruel, Sam White knocking it out of the park.

I think the docks of Anvilgard piece has to be my favourite.

8 43

One of the army projects I'm working on needs about 70-80 Black Ark Corsairs, I own 20 and the box is out of stock in Aus...

I don't feel like buying another 6 Anvilgard boxes so must engage the scrounge skills.

1 14

I finished my (pyro) pistoliers for my Anvilgard army. Five nobles and one Baldrick😄

0 1

Another allegiance guide is up, this time entertaining my long standing delusion that has competitive prospects:

1 6