The Helix planetary nebula is one of the nearest: “only” 700 lightyears distant.
The central old is losing its external layers creating the nebula.
Our sun will create also a planetary in 4000-5000 million years.
Image: Xavier Bros

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NGC 6589 and NGC 6590 are reflection nebulas in the constellation of Sagittarius in a rich area of Milky Way stars.
NGC 6590 is the nebula at top, around a double star with a small dark nebula close to them and all into the NGC 6590…

Image: Xavier Bros

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The Horsehead Nebula (Barnard 33) is a small dark nebula in the constellation of Orion in a dense dust cloud known as Lynds 1630. It is 1375 lightyears far and it’s very popular because its shape: seems a horse head!!
Image: Xavier Bros

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The Helix planetary nebula is one of the nearest: “only” 700 lightyears distant.
The central old is losing its external layers creating the nebula.
Our sun will create also a planetary in 4 or 5 billion years.

Image: Xavier Bros

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This is one of the nearest planetary
The Helix, 700 lightyears distant.
It’s an old star loosing its external layers creating a nebula.
Our sun will create also a planetary nebula in about next 4000 million years !

Image: Xavier Bros

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Dark are inmense clouds of gas without stars that are so near to create an emission or reflection nebula. They block the light and we can not see the stars behind.
Image of Horsehead by Xavier Bros

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This is one of the nearest planetary nebulas: the Helix, 700 lightyears distant.
It’s an old loosing its external layers creating a nebula.
It is expected our will create a planetary in 5000 million years aprox.

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Wonderful Orion in winter skies: M42, horsehead and M78 with the small McNeil nebula.

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The Horsehead (also known as Barnard 33) is one of the most imaged astronomical objects: you can see easily in it the shape of a horse head made of dark dust and gas. This object is situated 1500 lightyears from us. .

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Wonderful planetary or how the will be in few thousand million years after loosing its external layers. Amateur images by

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Wonderful planetary or how the sun will be in few thousand million years after loosing its external layers

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The Helix is a planetary 715 lightyears distant formed 10000 years ago when a star lost its external layers

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