The First Ape Wives are honored to welcome actress, producer, recording artist and to FAWC!
Darcy embodies the essence of a First Ape Wife with her confidence, ambition and compassion.

15 39

GM - She will be making an Appearance - I'm wondering if I should do a collab with something fire Merch 👹😎🧸🪙🚀

What my wives think ?

15 53

Invest in Desperate Apewives!!❤️❤️

0 2

You might check out the Desperate ApeWives collection to get yourself a matching wife to your bored ape. ❤️💪🏼

0 1

Desperate ApeWives!! ❤️❤️ check out the community :)

1 7

22 NFTs Swept using Genie 🧞

🧹 22x Desperate ApeWives

💸 Total Value 4.1627 ETH, $5,745

Buyer: 0xd138...4184

19 50

Gem Sweep! 15 Mutant ApeWives bought for 0.49894 ETH

0 0

Thank you ❤️ community has been in my heart from mint day one.

2 18