small doodles to test some brushes


79 538

i think they should insult each other more but like if they were preschoolers


109 691

monke rev chilling because he will need it in this trying time


85 450

i always found quite funny that is a few days after valentines day
anyway happy birthday week to me


123 759

lets take ibuprofen together, skinbag... if you care...


112 568

i cant find the og post so im reposting the apex valentine cards i made last year


232 987

you can only gift this card to blue haired people that would NOT send your detached head through a dimensional toilet but will lose it anyway and get beat up for it


48 251

re-did a bit of an old drawing of forged knight just for fun lol


30 195

been watching a friend play grim fandango and i have one braincell


45 316

pov: bootleg mictlantecuhtli found you after you fell unconscious on the ground because you tripped on a stick


62 335

artistic rendition of two screenshots took when we played together and we matched <3


100 527