Oh boy, I'm bad at this. Behind again!

11 - Comet Lord Miniatures, grim dark fantasy & lovecraftian themed tabletop miniatures.. plus ornate golems?

12 - Here. Hashtags. Just keep posting work... I should do that soon. 😅

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10. I've never gamed less than since I've started making games.
I loved D&D, but rarely played.
I game with the kids & usually end up boardgaming, but recently picked up Tales from the Loop. For vidja games its anything with a story. Lately thats Hollowknight.

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I’m a queer nb disabled Austrian TTRPG designer and you can totally get my game for free if you cannot afford to support me financially. those of you that like to send cash my way can support me on patreon or buy me food by sending paypal cash my way! 🐹

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