Have you heard the exciting news? ⚡️ are bringing their epic-electro-soul-pop to Up Late in 2 weeks! Join us Fri 18 Jan for a one-night-only Up Late event as part of our APT9 Summer Festival. It's going to be 🔥🔥🔥🔥 Get Tickets https://t.co/Pz1PdTKSAk

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Few works in our Collection have enjoyed as much popularity as R. (Richard) Godfrey Rivers’s Under the jacaranda. Did you know it has moved from its usual home on display at QAG to the Children’s Art Centre, GOMA? See it at until 28 April https://t.co/ixUVWbJE3U

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Few works in our Collection have enjoyed as much popularity as R. (Richard) Godfrey Rivers’s Under the jacaranda. Did you know it has moved from its usual home on display at QAG to the Children’s Art Centre, GOMA? See it at until 28 April https://t.co/ixUVWbJE3U

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