画質 高画質

Artes bem antigas

Pirava muito em aquarela, fico pensando em como eu fazia algumas coisas sem nem saber o que tava fazendo

sintam-se invocados/convidados a compartilhar tambíemsn https://t.co/XQJdlqqcmV

2 41

Ma toute dernière illustration à l'encre aquarelle avant mon burn out qui m'as dégouté du dessin en 2018. Je l'aime beaucoup même si elle est glauque.

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I'm using the very low tech method of aquarelle: I make big thick cardboard stamps and use watered down acrylic print them onto a painted background.

It's great because you end up with these cute coloured cardboard bits that are useful for nothing 😂

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"l'Artiste" : le scan de l'#aquarelle finie. :)
Profitez-en avant la fin du mois (surtout que le seuil "double ex-libris" est franchi, 2e tirage surprise offert pour toute contribution à partir du niveau Tchoubou) : https://t.co/sjF8wM3AA5

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Began to paint color with no doing esquiss because of forget to hand penciles.
A little strange part this one has, do you recognize...?
Feb 27 2023
At somewhere in city

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Eisvogel mit Fisch, Aquarell und eine Spur Buntstift. Danke an Hans Veth für das Referenzfoto.

3 25

Good Mooorning and
happy lazy Sunday! ❤️-❤️

★ Aquarelle Portraits : Aqua Lady
Aquarelle Portraits is 1:1 collection of handmade 100 pieces living watercolor arts.
▶︎ 0.05 Ξ
▶︎ All 1:1 edition
▶︎ Only 100 pieces Collection
▶︎ Link ▼_▼

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♌ Aquarela sobre papel. Todo exibido 🦁

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Saar, liefste hond van de wereld! Aquarel en pen.

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Tenho uma porrada de hobbies, saca só:
Plastimoeismo, aquarela, pintura digital, coleção de action figures+

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