You should never judge a book (magazine) by its cover but... we ADORE this Jurassic jungle scene by AQUILA favourite Kaley Mckean!⁠

We hope you're all enjoying this months topic: DINOSAURS! 🦕🦖

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At 8:30pm it’s Will you be turning your lights off to highlight Look out for our next issue, The Earth, out next week!

🎨 by Sean Lewis.

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In our Happiness issue we delve into the hilarious history of humour. What’s the oldest joke you know?


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This one has quite specific requirements but we have faith in you guys.

🎨 by

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In our issue we trace the history of humour! Did you know there was an actual CRAZE for ‘knock, knock’ jokes in in the 1930s? They couldn’t get enough! What’s your best ‘knock, knock’ joke?

🎨 by

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Guys, don’t be so dramatic. Yes, it’s nearly the end of January, and no, we can’t believe it either, but seriously, calm down.

image by for our bumper Ancient Greece issue from summer 2019.

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This is a flying monkey, known locally as, a “flunkey”. He's evolved himself a cracking pair of wings in the post-human world imagined by Dougal Dixon. In our issue we explore his ideas further!

📝 by James Doyle and 🎨 by

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In our issue we explore Scottish geologist and author Dougal Dixon’s imagined world, where humans are extinct and hybrid creatures have evolved to fill ‘gaps’ on the evolutionary ladder!

🎨 by

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🦋Here’s a little look at some beautiful artwork created by for our Evolution issue! 🦋

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🎉 Back to work we go! 2020 is looking so exciting, with upcoming titles including: Evolution, Happiness, Magic Maths and Earth!! 🎉

🎨 by

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🎉🥂🎅It’s Christmas Eve! The excitement is real!🎅🥂🎉

Sparkly illustration by

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It’s Fantastic Friday, and this is a Fantastic image that appears in our Fantastic Tales issue, so, Fantastic all round, really! Have a great weekend!

🎨 by

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Did you know that England holds the world record for the most tornadoes per square kilometre? It’s true! In our Storm! issue we get swept up in talking tornadoes.

How Wonderful is this Wizard of Oz image by ?

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How beautiful is this? In our Storm! issue we look at the work of Joseph Mallord William Turner and give our readers a step-by-step guide to create their own version of his artwork.

🎨 by David Armitage.

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