Some weapons of that I made in 3d☺️
If you'd like to see more of my fan art go to my ArtStation, link in bio✨

57 535

gave me the wonderful brainworm of Viktor having a pet ferret. Anyway, this is Sir Toast, he is an excellent lab assistant (totally not hoarding all the tools under the couch) and I love him dearly 😌💕

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OMG look at viktor 🥺 smart precious boi. Art by @/MrNaught4

5 21

I absolutely love this funky little thing Viktor's tooth does. 🫣🦷

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Happy halloween 🎃

Jayce left the sweets he got for five minutes but.. it was a bad idea 😅

2 38

(repost of an old art)
Thinking about a concept where Viktor turns into a vampire instead of a machine 🤔
okay, i know what i might draw for a Halloween

3 42

Happy start of the Spooky Month! Have a headless horseman Viktor (minus the horse) to celebrate! 🎃💀💜

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Second time in a row where I nearly give Jayce a stroke

Having a friend poke ideas into your brain gets you these sort of results ✨

35 230

Ну і канешне проста яны

13 95

Внезапный импульс "прибраться" было побудил меня запихнуть все артецкие с Витьком в один тред, но мозг перехотел структурировать. Сделаю так на тумбе, пожалуй.

9 46

gustave courbet "o homem desesperado" mas eh o viktor

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