It's been over a year since Arcanion: Tale of Magi's release, and even now there are small additional things being added to the game. In celebration of the game's release, I'll be doing a run of the game tomorrow.

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I thought scythe-using ladies are cool...

Pssst, btw play I will... eventually.... :3JZ

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Woot! Now Arcanion: Tale of Magi is over 200+ wishlists! ^_^ I'm surprised how fast that went up to. Thanks for the support guys! It helps drive the motivation home! >8D

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Minor change I'll be implementing in It's just adding the names to the characters in all the cutscenes. That way you know who is who. It'd make more sense. :P

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I definitely would be going more for this look if I ever decide to make a sequel for Arcanion. (Well, technically I do plan on making one, but the first game still needs to be finished, haha.) Though her overall design might change.

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Well, the official name I'm now calling this little side project will be It's something to pass the time while waiting on stuff to progress on and Hey, remaking a remake game isn't out of the ordinary, right?#indiegame

4 11

Make sure your playable heroes have a fair hitbox, and not an absurd hitbox. Though I'm sure some of us might deviate on that and make it as obnoxiously large as possible.

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Haven't posted much due to getting myself used to working nights again, and a few outside issues, but I'm still working on everyday, to show some shtuff, I have improved the title screen slightly this time around.

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