(✨) FusionFake Monday —𓆝𓆟𓆜

‣ Today’s fusion is: Wobbuffet + Metagross

◯ → 001 - Wobbugross

✎↷: ———————
started: [ 09/10/22 ]
published: [ 09/12/22 ]

╴╴╴╴╴ 🏷️ ;;

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Greetings! I’m Dice and this is my current human form to blend in on the Surface. Though it’s not perfect 🐟💦

As a retired anglerfish living with my pet, Pip, I hope to get along with everyone here and learn all sorts of things. 🐟✨

8 26

Greetings. It’s nice to meet you.
“Squii!” OAO
And Pip says hi too~

Care for a chat?

10 17

Out shopping today and drinking bubble bubba. Today’s flavour is ‘Sweet WaterSalmon’

What does everyone do to relax?

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