Arihiko Inui is gonna hulk the fuck out

5 28

Arihiko Inui is on a date with Beatrice at Sunfish Pocket!

4 55

Happy birthday to Tsukihime's Arihiko Inui on October 24!

153 686

Your honour, if being sexy was a crime, then Arihiko Inui is innocent!

14 65

『乾有彦』 🎂🤸 Arihiko le best 🤸🎂#月姫

50 93

Could Kiara Sessyoin beat Arihiko Inui ?

14 134

arihiko doesn't get along with beloved maid, is asked to leave the island by an overwhelming majority vote

0 2

It is his time. It is the time of him. Inui Arihiko will defeat everyone with his Delinquent Punch and a super where his sister tries to clothesline him

0 4

I wish Issei from SN was half as good of a character as Arihiko. A minor character in the overall narrative of the VN, but his story/perspective resonates with the main themes of Tsukihime and Shiki as a character.

12 126

Fuck necoarc they gotta put arihiko in

0 2

Happy birthday to Tsukihime's Arihiko Inui on October 24!

167 876

wait why does Arihiko's sister have a good design?

0 0


0 0

Arihiko is a wise wise man

0 7