I decided to go with a “stamp” like look for the red velvet exclusive stamp 🥰
*simplynailogical voice*: what do you think?

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August's Red Velvet postcard dropped!! I was watching Youtube on Shuffle and babish came out making a re-creation of the together breakfast, but as a "Forgive me for losing the antichrist breakfast" we're happy to declare that was swept off his feet by

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August physical patreons will be getting this baby sticker and a one to match! Red velvet patreons will also get a couple sticker and a postcard 🥰
Sign up before September 1st to get one!

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August physical patreons will be getting this baby sticker and a one to match! Red velvet patreons will also get a couple sticker and a postcard 🥰
Sign up before September 1st to get one!

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Demon!Arizaphale & Tired™Angel Crowley

haven't decided what to call them yet 🤔Got any suggestions? 👀

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i wanted to see arizaphale w glowy eyes.... also imho their wings shlda been Bigger

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