Reindeer on the roof? That’s a little early. Wait it’s just Tessa in their brand new jersey!

Tessa is from Grampy Riz’s World of Awakening. Art by RJ (), sweater design by Taffy ()

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Twas 3 days till Christmas and in this good house, Zofia was cleverly disguising her unwanted Chanukah presents.

Zofia is from Taffy’s World of Ardent. Art by RJ (), sweater design by Taffy ().

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Run, run, as fast as you can; Watch out for Yuki, the gingerbread madman.

Yuki is from Grampy Riz’s World of Awakening. Art by RJ sweater design by Taffy

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Twas 6 days till Christmas and in this good house, Faye was taste testing Rose’s beverage inventions.

Faye is from Grampy Riz’s World of Awakening. Art by RJ (), sweater design by Taffy ()

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