So all of Thursday's ArkToons have been updated at and I hope you have read them all because it's time for my ArkMoment of the day! Today's is from How to Succeed Like a Dark Lord!

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So all of Wednesdays ArkToons have been updated at and I hope you have read them all because it's time for my ArkMoment of the day! Today's is from Something Big!

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All of Friday's episodes are up and I have read them all... have you? Here is my favorite ARKMOMENT of the day from Shade! What was yours?

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Some classic ArkMoments taken from the ArkVault: here is a HyperGamouse moment that might strike a little close to home for many of us😉

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In moments of lean there is to eat everything... Maybe I exaggerate? Ah yes, you know who she is right? (From Belle Hearts & Minds) On sale now By .

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