Gift for !! Because she absolutely dESTROYED ME YESTERDAY. With two pieces of beautiful art!! Two!!

Ily arwin!!

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Gifts for some friends on discord! Beacuse they were really nice and aBSOLUTELY BLASTED ME WITH ART AND POSITIVITY ABOUT ME. JERK S.

jkjk ily guys

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Art Trade/gift for because she is such a sweetie and helped me a little bit with my expenses!! She's amazing and her art is even more so!!

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So I made this for my brother because hes been having a few rough days and has been taking care of his sick dog. So I decided he deserved something good this week.

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So!! I've improved a bit!
First one is from 2015, second one is from January 2019, and the last one is from today!! (November 3rd, 2019!!)

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