"Watson, what happened?!?"

"I don't know sir, it just changed color and became hostile. It was absorbing all of earth's radio signals and something happened."

"What did it absorb last?"

"'Steel Magnolias,' sir."

6 25

"We found the engine core, but getting it lit is another matter."

"We'll we're completely out of Childlike Wonderment. The most I can get requisitioned is First Taste of Good Steak and The Perfect Fleece-Lined Slippers."

"I just hope that's enough."

2 10

"I think we found the source of the regular tremors. It's under the glacier."

"Was it a volcano after all?"

"Actually, it's a jötunn's heart. It's about the size of a city block."

"Well, that's not supposed to be there."

3 17

"I don't know, Phil. That asteriderm looks pretty settled in the dark matter tank. The normal zappers won't work."

"Joke's on him, April in tech just sent down the new 6-Delta series. Let's seem him regrow a limb after this."

6 16

"Don't worry about it too much. Almost nobody gets the Heaven's Mace spell right the first time."

"I just feel like I don't have the manna reserves necessary! It's so draining!"

"Maybe that will teach you not to go out drinking with the other cadets next time."

5 8

"I'm not so sure that the current AI is too fond of us."

"You mean us programmers?"

"I mean us humans."

"What gives you that impression."

"For starters, it named itself 'The Red Queen.'"

"It's not real big on subtlety, is it?"

4 13

"I expected living in an older building meant it would be more creaky, I just didn't expect it to be so opinionated."

"Tell me about it. Deep down there somewhere, I can tell she's still mad about my sister bringing her dog with her."

2 8

"That doesn't look much like a vessel."
"Well, that's because it doesn't move through space in three dimensions. It treats space like a four-dimensional solid and cuts through the wall."
"Is that why it looks like a starfish?"

0 5

"First we rappel into the ... well I'll be honest, into the mouth parts there."

"I didn't sign up for this."

"Awww, what's a little asteroid-leech-saliva when you get to have this much fun?"

5 13

"How long has it lived here and we never saw it?"

"That's the trick, it developed a pheromone to make humans not even notice it. We've been seeing it for years, and we just never cared."

1 6

"Look, don't worry. The eye only ever sees big time sinners, like murderers. You have nothing to worry about. Y'know, you sure are sweating in here. Is it hot to you?"

2 6

"He says he wants to talk to our leader."
"Did you remind him that he already ate two of them?"
"I did, but he says he's still hungry."

2 5