my - more specifically recoil dev

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my is from 2013. finished edition:

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Production of Suihira was a 20th birthday gift to myself. I was in an artistic rut: focusing too much on being eligible for art schools & not enough on making art I enjoyed.

I spent that year making tons of concept art that eventually lead to discovering my art "style".

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Probably my best 2011 pieces and a reminder: Use reference! It just makes things 100 times better.

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It was the year of mermaids, gemsonas, autobio, and this super rough comic that I no longer relate to and is STILL making rounds on tumblr, somehow

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Haha, just became a meme so now I have to post even more art from that time on top of the ones I've already posted!

You can see an early concept for the Moonstalker, plus the auroraphrax dragon, which I will be redesigning soon.

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I didn't know what I was doing but I was really trying, man. Also, inking is difficult so let's just skip it and go for a sketchy style(TM)

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What happened here? Hercules chin?

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DeviantArt Contests was a thing, and I liked them for giving you a theme and a deadline. You won't be surprised to know I didn't win any of them

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So many unstarted/unfinished challenges! I was already super inspired by francobelgian comics. I'm legit into that kiss meme with 's characters from Les Allumeuses! (Too difficult for me to finish back then though)

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now is a meme i can get behind. do people still use firealpaca

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Alright, let's do this. These are all from 10 years ago when I liked painting slime and weird stuff. (i did more comic-y things too but they were cringey and bad)

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