The swan maiden is a shape-shifting creature in Slavic lore. She appears as a swan, but she can turn into a beautiful maiden by removing her feathery cloak.

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When I think about 2020, I feel like Vasilisa the Brave escaping from the clutches of Baba Yaga: the Forbidden Forest and all of its misfortunes might be behind, but I'm still paranoid about the dangers that are close by!

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To be or not to be...falling in love with art! The leaves are changing and spooky things are around the corner: I'll be sharing my newest project with you tomorrow!

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Here's another peek at the secret project I've been working on sooo tirelessly. This project has been 3 months of nonstop effort. I'm can't wait to give you more details soon!!!

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Feeling a little like this frog today... glassy-eyed from staring at the screen so long and editing artwork. All of the suffering will be worth it soon! Looking forward to sharing new artwork with you in the near future. This painting was done with oil on wood.

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Progress photo... new project! Looking forward to finishing this piece of art soon :)

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Return to Dust 18x24 oil/board. All go to the same place; all come from dust and to dust all return.

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Steampunk zodiac! A virgo is loyal, kind and hardworking.

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Return to Dust 18x24 - on exhibit at Coos Art Museum from April 22 - June 25th

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