Made some more Arte & Leo sketches... cause drawing them is my personal hope therapy!

4 11

Кто-то: вдруг откуда ни возьмись радует фанфиком с soulmate AU по отчаянно любимому, но малоизвестному фэндому
Я: в пароксизме счастья неистово рисую фанарт😅

(фанфик "Dono", автор Лара)

4 11

When someone says that can't imagine Arte/Leo romance... well, I really can. Easily! Very much!!!

Actually imagining their "luna di miele" - is my personal antidepressant.

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Drew some more Arte/Leo just because they deserve!
And cause who, if not me🥺

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Sunny morning in the workshop 🌤️

*I know that according to the current plot, something like this is depressingly far, but I could not help but do 😊

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Decided to practice more personal style and drew main characters of Arte... again😅 Just cause why not, and they are my beloved sunnies no matter what)))

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Well, looks like I'm gonna draw Arte/Leo until I can see it in original manga😏
Even if it takes a lo-o-ong time...
Sounds like a threat, heh?

2 10

Me puse a mirar paletas en Pinterest y encontré esta que me gustó bastante y cree un personaje base de ella.

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ya sé este dibujo no es la gran cosa aunque es por un reto ya volverán a ver la misma foto de siempre xD no se emocionen :]

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Un boceto hecho en 5 segundos y que está medio deforme pero hay que respetarlo porque nació así qué le vamos a hacer xD 😎👌✨

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