Even more artfright attacks because I have a problem!!

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Mach gegen aller Vernunft btw auch beim Artfright mit 🤓
Wurde durch andere Künstler etwas sehr gehyped und das hier war meine erste Attacke <3

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Oh look at that a finished piece that I thought I posted forever ago??? I of course drew my fiancées character morgain

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Day 22 of Gigantamax
Day 22 of (well, kinda)

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Oops I'm late again JSXCMN sorry I have terrible time management and also have had a headache all day so <3 but here's day 2! Featuring Allie and a sick Nikolas in a blanket fort because blanket forts are awesome 🖤

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The day eight prompt was "cozy", so I tried my hand at a comfy in emote sizes. Conclusions:
1. small art very hard
2. Puffy cute no matter the pixels

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Day 7

Did another prompt, which was Magic ✨

Because I couldn't pass the opportunity to draw Matilda doing some magic

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Two pieces I finished during two Twitch streams! The first is for the Day 7 prompt: magic! Little Az meets a mint chocolate chip dragon. The second is Hoop and books and an average day at work. Thank you so much to everyone that stopped by the streams to hang out!!! <3

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I am doing OC_tober, Art Fright, and Inktober art the same time. I'm drawing my characters in halloween costumes!

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Day 27: Decaying Graveyard
(The Tombstone behind Henry reads "Not Done Yet")

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I've been using different inks and supplies each piece- and will be able to do so throughout the whole month, bit there's something nostalgic about a dying pen, old marker and a highlighter. For "Wacky Wasteland"

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Third Attack! This is a GIF on Artfright (As soon as I can upload it ;; )

James belongs to Rosedwater @ Deviantart!

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Inktober + Artfright day 23 : Muddy + Alien
(Perfect prompts for Hat Kid in the level She comes from outerspace)

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