A day late for (as per usual!) but here’s a little trefoil of tangenting circles I’m doing as part of a commission for the lovely Mel of ♥️🙏♥️

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collage! Had such fun joining in over the lockdown and holidays. Thank you to all the participants for the encouragement. Especially for the course during August. Learnt so many new techniques. Looking forward to

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Day 27 - busy today and next few days so may not have time to do constructions and didn't want to miss final days. Decided to do a bit of colouring (sitting in a restaurant like a toddler!) Also some Geometric designs I came across.

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Just loving the sessions! Four fold today and a few tiles started. Played with the third one to get an idea of the tiling and tryout some colours. A few more projects to add to my ongoing list!

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More colour play with the fivefold weave. Enjoyed the 3D sparkles.

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Day 19 of A return to probably my favourite geometric pattern - the tenfold rosette from a tutorial.

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Exploring colour combinations using layers

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Think I might have finally finished!

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I’ve been working on this for a couple of days and I’m still not sure that I like it but I’m persevering. I’ve got lots more to do but should I paint the background and if so, does anyone have any colour ideas?

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Officially back at work now so not sure how I’ll keep up.
Extended yesterday’s design and tried some inspired watercolours and a touch of sparkle

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Second piece is finished. I love this pattern and got annoyed with all the errors I made! Thank you for teaching the pattern; am sure I’ll have another go at some point.

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Discovered a tessellation in the flower of life 😃

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I really loved painting this one and I might have developed a bit of an obsession with outlining!

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Quite like how this turned out... not sure about the centre but I like the rest!

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A WIP - Peets Version 3. I don't know what I think of the previous 2 and I'm starting to have doubts about this one. I hope you're all keeping well. Take care, be safe. Paula.😊

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In case you're interested, here is the random part in action.

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I actually think I prefer this one in monochrome.

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