Another big influence although I didn't discover his name until years later was Miles Teves. His classical style Jorune images were unlike anything else in the paper RPG market. He is also a fantastic film concept artist (Legend's Darkness!).

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Tête de Christ, Georges Rouault (1938) – Cleveland Museum of Art, USA

Enrique Irazoqui, Il Vangelo secondo Matteo, Pier Paolo Pasolini (1964)

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+*작품 첨부
Antoine vollon "Mound of butter"
(1880년. 캔버스에 유채

*인스타 원문 링크:


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Pintura & Cine

- Marc Chagall - 1918 - 'Sobrevolando la ciudad'
- "Sexy Beast" (J. Glazer, 2000)
- "El extraño caso de Angélica" (M. de Oliveira, 2010)

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Pintura & Cine

- David Hockney - 1972 - 'Retrato de un artista (Piscina con dos figuras)'
- "La mala educación" (Pedro Almodóvar, 2004)

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Pintura & Cine

- Francis Bacon - 1952 - 'Study for a head (Screaming Pope)'
- "Psicosis" (A. Hitchcock, 1960)
- "Teorema" (P.P. Pasolini, 1968)

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"Creazione di Adamo / The Creation of Adam"
Painted c. 1508–1512.

'Kheili dour, kheili nazdik / So Close, So Far'
Reza Mirkarimi

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