👾 Hiii, warga artistsbase!

Siapa nih yang kangen sama sesi "Artist Follow Spree"?! Angkat tangan! Ayo kita adain jam 20.00 WIB nanti, ya~ (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)

Sebelum itu, kita tes ombak dulu, yuk. Ketik "1" kalo kamu mau ikutan sesi "Artist Follow Spree"! 🙌

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@.artistsbase sender akhirnya mulai lukis art! lagi setelah setaun sempet stop, ayoo yang mau mutualaan x atau ig bisaa rep yaa

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Hello! I'm opening art commission for two artstyles, fullcolor and black/white

More info and samples on

Feel free to DM me, If you're interested!

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