Ajon and I sketched our friends as Sonic OCs. 💜🙏

It is a blursed day.

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I made the Chibi Illustrations on 's EOVR series thank you! These arts belong to him. Copying or tracing of these arts are prohibited. 💖

YT link:


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"A summer sunset" created using watercolor and artline.

open to offer! 👀👀

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"A summer sunset" created using watercolor and artline.

open to offer! 👀👀

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Congrats both of you! 😍😍

"A summer sunset"
created using watercolor and artline

minted via


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Ak ikutan yah nder hehehhee mksieh udh dipinjemin artline oc nya https://t.co/CtSgsCffa1

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our artist just finished a potential sprite for Lazze -- the MC of our next romantic visual novel, Heartlines -- who has apparently been blessed by the thigh gods.

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I recovered from Covid 19 and finished my IELTS test last week, so I finally have enough time to color this amazing artline
PS: I also added a mask to OP

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Tirando uns 3 que eu n posso postar

Eu acho que esses foram os meus desenhos favoritos desse ano. Todos artline ou sketch

Acho que serviram pra me lembrar como é divertido desenhar

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I feel like my art is so.. Bland.
I wanna find a new artstyle but not far off to my own bc I wanna reduce the heavy(?) artlines/colors on screen.. Maybe i'll go for a more warmish and brownish lineart like Stone Ocean has or a burnt-out color style but idk

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