tw// blood

day 29 - blood
(yes i’m behind but i’ll finish up the last day!)

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tw// Blood

Did he see something or did he do it? We’ll never find out..

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🍨 Mang dressed up as a precious little 'Eishörnchen' 🍨


The german speaking people probably know where this wordplay comes from 😌

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🍌 The most handsome banana of all time 🍌

This look is so iconic 🤣

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🥄They call me 'Baepsae' 🥄


The not so lethal version 😅
*flashback to aggressive hip thrusts*

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yoongi (this one's for gab, thank you for drawing yoonfield all those times i asked 🥺)

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💛Yoongi dressed up as BT21 characters have a special place in my heart 💛

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ARTMYTOBER day 26: Wings
i did not take this theme as an excuse to draw him. not at all. (of course i did)

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artmytober day 02: jungkook 🐰

missing jk’s long hair 💭

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