Barely on time for but I DID IT!!!
Say hello to one of my merfolk OCs, Tobias 😌💜

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Day 31 - Potion- Last one of the month gonna be disappearing and drowning myself in fundamentals again.

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I am presenting you all my new that I’m hosting for reaching 300 followers in Instagram, use the hashtag to join, and you can tag me so I can see it more easily 🥰 this is also my mermaid for day 21. Vesuvianite for

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Day 22 - howlite. 🤍
Sorry for delay, Animefest was here.
Lovely Neil who belongs to
(Can you believe that apart from silly doods this is my first Neil? Wow!)

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I’m sorry I’ve been a bit inactive lately, I had to take a tiny brake from mermay because I felt that my latest pieces wasn’t good enough, that I was just posting for the sake of posting🥰, so here is my mermaid for day 19. Sphene

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Day 23 -warrior I was not qualified to do an action scene in such a short time. so you get a final rest.

apatite, which come in many color but I choose blue here.

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I’ve McFallen behind, here is my mermaid for day 18. Peridot 💚

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Here is my mermaid for day 17. Serpentine for 💚

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Here is my mermaid for day 16. Emerald for 💚

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