Patterned BG 2 isolate sunflowers & vase. Brushstroke pattern inspired by VanGogh night skies & self portrait BGs. Vincent styled signature. Lt, previous: Rt, update

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Continuing adding lights and darks, until all flowers had dimension and form.

Left, previous version: Right, latest update.

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Working left, lightened yellow tree, used darks 2 define more forms, detailed last of the railings. Previous version, top, new update, bottom.

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Concentrated on negative space around 2 bears, flattened picture planes 2 bring positive/negative closer 2 being on same level, a more cohesive whole. Previous version, top, new update, bottom.

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Defining forms throughout more of the entire painting now. Previous version, top, new update, bottom.

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Continuing to use color and value to define forms. Currently working on bringing more attention to big bears rear left leg.

Previous version, top, new update, bottom.

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With the wild grass pattern in, I’ve moved on to using color and value to define form.

Previous version, top, new update, bottom.

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My acrylic demo painting created during our Saturday outing, last week, while I was taking Park visitors out to paint on behalf of the Yosemite Conservancy.

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Blocked in base color using mostly turp washes: new update, top, previous version, bottom.

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Made a few minor adjustments to her body & began detailing her hair: new update, top, previous version, bottom.

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Added more lights to lower drapery & began detailing flesh of arms & torso: new update, top, previous version, bottom.

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Honored to have received the award for my oil painting, "Attitude," in the Society of Western Artists' 68th Annual Membership Exhibit, going on now through Aug 5th, at the Bay Area headquarters, 527 San Mateo Ave., San Bruno, CA.

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Just learned my "Pretty in Pink," was accepted into the 33rd Annual Yosemite Renaissance exhibit. Thank you to all the jurors for their consideration and selection.

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