Saw this going around my TL, felt like doing one too
Here are 4 artists that inspired and influence me:
Salvador Dali: imagination, sparked my love for art
Roger Dean: colors, texture, fantasy
Araki Hirohiko: lines, dynamic design
Frank Frazetta: form, anatomy

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1. Bouguereau, for his anatomy and composition.
2. Caravaggio, for his brave shadows and highlights.
3. Monet for his values and colors.
4. Yabuki for his stylization and rendering.

Im aware, one of these is not like the others 😅

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Is a thing? Here are 4 of the biggest influences on my art.
Shutouts to Spongebob, Animaniacs, Beatles Yellow Sub, Kablam!, and Invader Zim, but these show more of a direct impact in how I draw.
Fairly Odd Parents
Sonic Adventure
Rocko's Modern Life
Classic Mega Man

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