I just genuinely love the art style of vanripper so I studied his art style and did my best to make this, a helltaker oc :DD

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more studies~~#artstylestudy

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A of Runa in Tetsuya Nomura's style again but this time a full body!! WOO

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More Tetsuya Nomura Styled Art. I might make a Fullbody of Runa at some point.

Also don't mind me using your OCs as practice oof-- I had fun drawing both of them, especially Mira xD

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Okay, like-- listen. I had to. I wanted to. And I haven't drawn her in literally forever so yeah. Anyway:
This is Ari, 's and yeah

technically this is

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“Disney style” study. This was tricky because I’ve yet to find good guides to how to draw in the style of Disney. I think this turned out pretty good.

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