Mostly Inktober stuff because a lot of my favorite stuff from this year was that haha
Also some of Overwatch

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TL dead? Good.

Here's my ANISD & featuring my inconsistent art style(s).

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умм.. ну... получается""💦💦💦
мне даже удалось найти достаточное количество лиц, чтобы оно всё было так или иначе связано с мором, вау, хотя количество голов 3/4 влево меня разочаровало :(

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A noir since most of my work has been monochromatic this year.

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A bit of ft my new cactus cat! Cactus Cat will be up in my RedBubble shop soon!

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Here’s a my color palettes are more consistent compared to last years and I really like that 😊🌸✨and this tells me I need to take more selfies to use 😅

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