Here are some of the sketches that I did while on stream at I feel like I got a lot done but also not a lot done. Creature creation is hard! Hope you guys like them.

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Just finished my stream at! There were some porny bits, and I doodled the darling Kyros and Vid. They're from the comic Ashenrite that and I are working on. I'll post more of my porn stuff later. Hope you like!

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Here is the result of my stream at today! It's a cute little family hugfest. This is Eggy and Vid from my soon-to-be comic with writer . Hope you like some wholesome stuff!

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Whoo! 4 hours after streaming at , I have finished! May have gone a little overboard, but, man, is it worth it. Tanith belongs to for our upcoming Ashenrite comic. Would you want uncensored on Patreon? Let me know!

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