Hoy es el y les traigo la historia del primer planeswalker Ashiok, un ser misterioso que teje y se alimenta de pesadillas.

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Yes its indeed prevalent in Phyrexia... but that's for the WHITE-Aligned sect/group/faction.

Ashiok would most likely fall upon the Blue or Black faction if he/she gets ever compleated. Design-wise, the Blue/Black designs would evoke nightmare in a big manner than White.

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Here's my fun little concept for a Phyrexian/Compleated Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver 🦑

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we both did a great job Rashioka🫂 you did it !!

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My pulls at prerelease were awful but here's an update on my Compleated Ashiok

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I, uh, love doing smokey things or just weird looking stuff (also cute, but I'm going off the mention of Ashiok here, and it is certainly a crime I haven't drawn them yet). https://t.co/gyTh5e6cZq

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Do I like to draw smoke ? You bet.
Ashiok variant cover for BOOM.

Done a while ago, I am glad to see it now.

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続編に同じ陣で行くことになったので、茅蜩刑事の立ち絵をASHIOKI様(@ ASHIOKI_work)に依頼させていただきました!!パキッとして明るい色味ほんとに好き……弾力のありそうな手のひらの質感もドツボ……!!にぱって笑顔無邪気でよすぎ〜〜!!!ディスプレイまで本当にありがとうございました!!!

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some of favorite pieces of mtg art. koth and ashiok are some of my favorite character designs, seb mckinnon's mtg art is always amazing and Eldrazi art and design is always utterly bizarre in a beautiful sort of way.

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El jueves ha empezado con fuerza, ¡Aquí tenemos la portada del tomo 7 de 'Signos de afecto'! Recordad que incluirá una edición especial con un libreto extra centrado en Ashioki.

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Elesh norn and ashiok are the two hottest mtg characters I won’t be taking questions

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Ashiok fanart! Another one from the archive!
I loved his design the first time I saw him!

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Elesh Norn meets Ashiok in today's Magic Story, "A Garden of Flesh." 👀


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Okay okay, so apart from Ashiok, Niko and Chandra/Nissa I didn't know much if anything about LGBT+ rep in MTG.

So of course now I get to learn about Alesha, Who Smiles at Death with the new secret lair, I'm really excited for the drop, but I know I can't buy.

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Thanks Tyler! I’m always on the lookout for opportunities that will let me use my personal voice, I’m a little outside mainstream fantasy style, but I’d love to do more covers/books, games, posters. (FYI the Ashiok piece is unofficial fan content). Hope you feel better!

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