*literally* jumped around my room in excitement when i got my character asignments hehe i was sosososo happy to get to draw these witches!! 🥰🥰
here are the frameless versions btw!

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Characters created from random shapes!
This is technically a class asignment, but I liked most of the munky designs so I wanted to share it regardless!

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Kai, Alezand & Seven

Another class asignment I had some fun with

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Character design I made for a class asignment

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It is already 3 30 pm and I have done none of the asignments I have for today

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me realizing artists younger than me be better than i was at 14 like Guys when i was 14 i had just sTaRTED doing studies leaf me alone likE come on

also i wanna redraw this xdd this was a school asignment from like...3 years ago.. i think haha

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Player Tarot Cards from my board game illustration aasignment! Happy with how these mf’s turned out!

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Here's a baby robot I made for a class asignment! This guy is the little helper at Inna's workshop (my OC)

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