comm for @/ZethrasRealNow 🤍💛

5 25

Usd comission for @.ZethrasRealNow
I really love how she turn out lol

6 36

Fun fact : That thing above him it is him
He's also the angel of death Asreal
Feel free to change his outfit

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1 17

Petal on the vine, too young to drink wine
Just five years a bleeder, student and a teacher
Far from innocent, what the fuck's consent?
Numbers told you not to, but that didn't stop you.


3 13

Hi! I'm Sara! I wasreally into the JSE artist community in 2018/19 and i just really wanted to share some old art for the sake of nostalgia. I'm very grateful for this community and everything that I learned that stuck with me. Maybe I'll start drawing more again

6 16

Eu queria fazer uma hastag
Não sei se daria certo, então eu tô pedindo ajuda a vocês

É bem simples o seu oc , com 1 ou mais realidades que ele poderia estar
O meu oc é o Snow , com as suas realidades diferente
Faz ae pfv

0 5

❛ 🌸⌇más de Miss Heed !

si, aún con sólo unos pocos videos, le puedo hacer mil edits a mi reina 🛐

16 55

My good friend did a thingy for me of my character’s Asreal and Lily from my & I love it. If you enjoy this art, he’s accepting commissions now!

1 2

i love that rio said this thing reminds him of me because i fucking love this thing its so cute i wish it wasreal

0 4

i decided to color a doodle i drew last night


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I tried to make this animation “Asreal” as I could

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