Elecmon (Violet) > Centarumon > Vajramon/Assaultmon (Assaultmon is a Dark Digivolution) > Sleipmon

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I love explaining Digimon to people like here's Assaultmon and Commandramon

Yes, they are both real.

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(Assault Rifle)
Justice Massacre
Surprise Attack

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Buenos y legañosos días! Hoy es el turno de mostrar al digimon cyborg Assaultmon y al digimon bestia Blizzarmon/Korikkakumon.

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Digi OC doodles (pt. 2) Too many inside jokes, but hopefully they are fun anyway.😆 (The Youkomon was me trying to decide on a scars design for him.)

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Btw, it's canon that Armourmon/Assaultmon is literally a Centarumon covered in armour and guns https://t.co/WxYPBYCtOs

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es un Bebé II y sin ningún Atributo. Se trata de un digimon Desconocido, cuyo grupo familiar se desconoce.

Ataques: Bubbles, Nail Scratch.

Debut: Capítulo 17.

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(Assault Rifle)
Justice Massacre
Surprise Attack

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(Assault Rifle)
Justice Massacre
Surprise Attack

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Okay, I had the dumbest idea!

What if... and hear me out...
What if... Greymon and Garurumon jogress into Assaultmon... and then Assaultmon evolves into GaruruGreymon (early concept for Omegamon)

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Another jogress between Greymon and Garurumon is Assaultmon!

Wouldn't it be fun if they never recieved that sacred power and turned into Assaultmon instead of Omegamon?

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With its humanoid upper body and quadrupedal lower body, Assaultmon is rumored to be a member of Centalmon's special forces!!

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Assaultmon should be part beast, part dragon (since it belongs to the D-Brigade, so a "dragon type cyborg Digimon", and it can be reached as a jogress between Greymon and Garurumon) so I think Suijinmon fills that vibe of "Lizard x Centaur" very well.

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Pasamos a Digimon World 3 con Assaultmon, el Digimon basado en la guerra 🔫

Perfil traducido: https://t.co/YAQdmWwh8y

Tuit del hilo: https://t.co/vx7BfWz2CL

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Tekkamon, Assaultmon, Vermillimon and Kyukimon!!

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(Assault Rifle)
Justice Massacre
Surprise Attack

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Comenzamos 2002 con un Digimon que perfectamente podría ser la digievolución de Troopmon, quien sí posee un Perfil Oficial: Assaultmon, el cual debutó en Digimon World 3, también conocido como Digimon World 2003 🧑‍🏭

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(Assault Rifle)
Justice Massacre
Surprise Attack

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(Assault Rifle)
Justice Massacre
Surprise Attack

4 9

Es que el cambio era muy grande xD, de elecmon a blackgaruru no veo tanto problema, pero si de ahí pasase a... no sé, assaultmon!, quedaría raro, a menos que tenga un contexto, como que experimentaron con él, o empezó una guerra, con contexto puede ser virtualmente cualquier cosa

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