In tonight's update, the logo for the tetris game (both title and during play) semi-randomly switches between "Catris" and «Котрис». Because why not?

(It's not actually random though, it's all in the timing when you start the machine.)

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New splash screen, for... about five kilobytes more. Less if I reduce the detail a bit. Thanks to .

Also thinking of removing the "boot from diskette" feature in favor of loading up the Navigator, would simplify things a LOT (and maybe recoup that 5 KB) 🤔

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What do you mean "#Asspull3X Cat" pffft

(Her surname is technically non-canon but who gives a shit?)

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late night fix to try and fight the feels:

In 16:10 mode, objects still rendered in 4:3. Now fixed.

1. 4:3 image, note logo height.
2. 16:10 raw image, logo is the same.
3. 16:10 stretched, logo is also stretched.
4. again, but logo is correctly positioned.

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images with built-in HDMA gradients. Because why not.

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What if you had both a cartridge inserted in your *and* a diskette with a start.‌app file?

Right now it'd just skip this screen entirely and start the cart *or* the diskette in that priority order...

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Blammo. Three out of four demo pics for the

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Even though my SCI0 picture viewer does undithering *purely* because I'm a lazy hack who took the easier way out, that still doesn't solve gotchas like Larry 3 picture 265 that draw their own dither patterns by hand.

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There was an attempt. on the left, SCI Companion on the right.

Things immediately noticeable: no pen dots, colors are off.

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I think this title screen is *just about* done.

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*sneakily edits the font into a DOS CPI file*

(now with the *actually correct* codepage replaced)

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Something about this mockup looks familiar. Is it the ushanka?

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And so the gets a new game. As you can see from the empty status panel this is as yet unfinished, but I'm pretty happy with the progress so far.

Any resemblance to a certain PD SNES ROM is entirely coincidental.

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A careless comment by inspired me to dig up the ol' public-domain SNES collection. Now I kinda really want a Columns on the hentai or otherwise.

Shown here, a mockup based on one of those PD roms, and the assets I ripped from it.

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